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Dental Treatment


Discover Affordable Dental Treatments While Enjoying Your Holiday

Are you looking for top-quality dental treatments at a fraction of the cost? Look no further! Our clinic offers a wide range of dental services at incredibly competitive prices, making it possible for you to enjoy your holiday and receive exceptional dental care at the same time.

Why Choose Us?

Cost-Effective Solutions: Our clinic provides high-quality dental treatments at prices much lower than those in England and across Europe. You can enjoy significant savings without compromising on the quality of care.

Expert Dental Professionals: Our team consists of skilled and experienced dental professionals who use the latest techniques and technologies to ensure top-notch treatments.

Vacation and Dental Care Combined: Enjoy the beautiful surroundings and relax on your holiday while receiving affordable, world-class dental care.

Our Range of Services Includes:

Single and Full Mouth Implants
All-On-4/6 Implant Method
Dentures and Dentures on Implants
Dental Surgery
Zirconium and Porcelain Crowns/Veneers
Dental Bridges and Composite Bonding
Root Canal Treatments
Laser Teeth Whitening
Comprehensive Dental Hygiene Services
Why Pay More When You Can Save?

Experience a holiday like no other and take advantage of our cost-effective dental solutions. Contact us today to book an appointment and transform your smile while enjoying your vacation.

Single Implants:

Single implant is a type of implant used to replace a missing or lost tooth. Typically, a titanium implant in the form of a screw is placed into the jawbone. A prosthetic tooth is then attached to it, effectively filling the gap left by the missing toot

Full Mouth Implants:

Full mouth implants can be used when all or a significant number of teeth are missing. Various implants are placed and either fixed or removable prosthetics are fitted on them, restoring the structure of the mouth.

All-On-4/6 Implant Method:

The All-On-4/6 implant method involves using several implants for one or both jaws. Four or six implants are placed in the jaw, and a fixed prosthesis is placed on top, restoring the patient's toothless area.

Dentures on Implants:

Dentures on implants involve attaching either fixed or removable prosthetics onto implants. This provides a more secure and stable solution for toothless areas.


Dentures are removable prosthetics used to replace missing teeth. They are specially made to fit the soft tissues of the mouth.

Zirconium Crowns/Full Veneers:

Zirconium crowns or veneers are aesthetic coverings for the front surface of teeth. They are durable and provide a natural appearance.

Porcelain Crowns/Full Veneers:

Porcelain crowns or veneers are coverings used for dental restoration and aesthetic purposes, providing a cosmetic solution for damaged or stained teeth.

Dental Bridges:

Dental bridges are fixed prosthetics used to replace missing teeth, relying on neighboring teeth for support.

Composite Bonding:

Composite bonding is an aesthetic procedure used to repair cracks, gaps, or discoloration in teeth.

White Fillings:

White fillings are aesthetic dental fillings used to treat cavities or fill minor gaps in teeth.

Root Canal:

Root canal treatment involves cleaning infected or damaged tissues inside the tooth, aiming to preserve the tooth.

Laser Teeth Whitening:

Laser teeth whitening is a method used to lighten and whiten teeth. It involves using laser light to achieve teeth whitening.

Dental Hygiene:

Dental hygiene refers to practices such as regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups to maintain oral and dental health.

We are thrilled to hear from you! Whether you have inquiries, want to schedule an appointment, or simply wish to say hello, please feel free to reach out to us using the form below. Your questions, comments, and feedback are highly valued. We'll get back to you as soon as possible to assist you further. Thank you for considering us for your healthcare needs.

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